Church og Agioi Anargiroi in Nomitsi

The church of Agioi Anargiroi in Nomitsi is located in the village of Western Mani. It is one of the most important monuments in the area and is 55 kilometers away from the city of Kalamata.

The church of Agioi Anargiroi in Nomitsi  was probably constructed in its original form in the late 10th century. The date is based on some parts of the painting and hagiographiess that are located on the eastern wall of the church.

The technique of hagiographies is identified with painting decoration of other temples in the peninsula of Mani. The wall paintings have the same characteristics with the temple of Agioi Anargiroi in Nomitsi and according to scholars they were painted in the last quarter of the 10th century.

In the 13th century, the church of Agioi Anargiroi Nomitsi took its present form after suffering from drastic changes. In the village Nomitsi apart from the church of Agioi Anargiroi, you will also see a remarkable Byzantine monument, the Church of the Transfiguration.

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