
Maganiako is a village in the municipality of Messini. It is located at an altitude of 391 meters and is 32 km away from the city of Kalamata.

About 100 residents live today in Maganiako and are mainly occupied with agricultural crops. Τhey cultivate olive trees, fig trees, vines and a few cereals in the area.

There are the ruins of a medieval castle named Paliokastro and ruins of old settlements below the castle and around the village Maganiako. It is thought that the population which created Maganiako came from these dismantling settlements.

The name Maganiako possibly comes from the element maganese as we can still see the stoas where its mining took place in the past.

According to others, the village Maganiako was named after the mangle, a manual or animal-powered machine that used to get out the water from the well, or minerals through stoas etc. A similar machine is still in the village.

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