
Neromilos is a hilly village, which belongs to the municipality of Messini and is 27 kilometers away from the city of Kalamata. About 300 residents live in Neromilos.

Pausanias mentions the area as “Biantos”. Τhe village is recorded with the name Miska ιn censuses of the Venetians in 1689. The current name comes from the two mills, located in the borders of the village, in location Potistika.

Today Neromilos has a Folklore Museum at the old school of the village, which is now used as a cultural center. It is directed by the Association of Women of Neromilos and every August it organizes the Feast of pie in the backyard.

The traditional pie of Neromilos is made in celebrations, especially weddings and baptisms. It is made by flour, yeast and water. They certainly need imagination, skill and patience to make all these impressive decorative details. The feast along with good food and wine lasts till morning and the village is full of people.

The main occupation of the residents of Neromilos is farmland and they mainly produce oil, wine and figs.

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