Mykonos - Vehicles For Rent
Even though it is the second smallest island of the Ionian islands, Ithaca offers a wide variety of services that will make your stay here more comfortable. Most services are situated at the capital of the island, Vathi, but you will also find ATMs, pharmacies and gas stations at the small villages of northern Ithaca.
In Vathi you will find the branches of three major Greek banks, the National bank, Piraeus Bank and Alpha Bank. All three of them are situated at the market of Vathi, next to the main square, as you can see on the map of Terrabook.
There are three gas stations in Ithaca, two in Vathi and one on the road that leads from Stavros to Frikes, while at the harbor at Vathi you will also find a fueling station for your boat. There are three pharmacies at the island, following the same ... distribution: twon at the square of Vathi and one at Stavros.
As for touristic services, two travel agencies in Vathi will solve all your problems and queries concerning your stay on the island, and here you can also buy tickets for the ships calling to the port of Ithaca.
There is a number of car and motorbike rental agencies on Ithaca, as well as boat rentals, most of them situated in Frikes and some in Kioni.
On the island you will also find two car services, a tire repair shop, a hairdressers and beauty centers.