Festival in Panourgia
The festival of Panourgia takes place every year on 6th of September by the brotherhood of Panourgia. Rich traditional revelry is set up in the village’s square, on the slopes of Gkiona, among the trees and running water. The residents and visitors throughout the region visit this festival, but also immigrates, who return to the village specifically for this festival!
The festival in Panourgia is organized occasioned by the festival of Archangels: on 6th of September, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Miracle of Archangel Michael at Colossus of Phrygia. According to the church tradition, in the area there was a miraculous spring with gushed water and the Christians built a church in honor of the Archangel Michael. The pagans tried to destroy and kill the priest, diverting the waters of a river to drown him. The Archangel Michael, however, has intervened and with its sword he tears the land in two pieces and the waters comes into it. The image in the region has remained the same until today: the waters of rivers “are digested” and gave the place its name Chonai.
In Panourgia of Gkiona, is honored every year the memory of this miracle. The festival of Panourgia is famous for fun and traditional entertainment that offered. As the celebration is rare and there is no other festival in that day, the festival gathers a big crowd.