The Lighthouse of Drapanos
The lighthouse is located at the Cape Drapanos, 26 km east of Chania and 2km north of the Kokkino Chorio (Red Village). It was constructed in 1864 by the French Company of lighthouses and is still standing in good condition at an altitude of 50 meters, on the edge of a vertical cliff.
The tower of the lighthouse of Drapanos has an octagonal shape and its height is 7 feet with an adjoining stone made house, belonging to the lighthouse keeper. The German bombing in 1941, during the invasion of Crete, destroyed the lighthouse of Drapanos, but it was later rebuilt in 1948.
Near the lighthouse of Drapanos lies the absolutely impressive underwater cave of Elephants, a widely known and favorite destination for those who love scuba diving. Visitors can admire the beautiful stalactites and stalagmites (underwater and above the water surface) or even see fossilized bones, which are embedded in the rock of the cave.
To reach the lighthouse of Drapanos, take the road from the Kokkino Chorio (Red Village).