Old Roumata
Old Roumata is a village located 42 km away from Chania, at an altitude of 350 meters. It still remains a place untouched by tourism and exemplifies the authentic hinterland of Chania. Its inhabitants are mainly occupied in agriculture.
Usually, those who arrive there either finish or start walking on one of the many paths inside the natural scenery that are available at Platanias.
Old Roumata is one of the first villages in which farming cooperatives, public library, youth clubs and traditional dance clubs were established.
The Association “Public Library of Old Roumata” was founded in 1944. The time and circumstances, under which it was created, were the result of enormous collective effort of the educated people of the village who were aiming to promote the education and the information of the residents. The library currently hosts 7,000 titles books of various topics intended for children and adult students.
At most central part of Old Roumata, one of the proclaimed as “monumental” olives of Crete is located. The age of the tree is estimated to exceed 3,000 years and it is one of the oldest on the island. In the same field there are many others that are also very old and all together constitute a unique sight, monument of nature.
The olive tree at Old Roumata belongs to the variety of “mastoid” that the locals call “tsounati.” The perimeter of the tree trunk is 10.50 meters long and the trunk that looks like a sculpture of nature, creates a huge cavity.