Archaeological Museum of Ithaca

The Archaeological Museum of Ithaca is located in Vathi, behind the beach, in the region of the Cathedral. It is one of two museums in Ithaca with archaeological interest: it houses objects from the excavations in southern Ithaca, while the findings of the excavations in the north are exhibited in the Archaeological Collection of northern Ithaca, in the village Stavros.
In the Archaeological Museum of Ithaca you will see exhibits that range from the Geometric Period to Roman times. More than 1000 intact potteries, small objects that were dedicated to the temple of Apollo in Piso Aetos and a small bronze bust of Odysseus are among the objects exhibited in the show cases of the small Archaeological Museum of Ithaca.
Votive offerings of gold, copper, ivory, amber and precious stones are also exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Ithaca. They were found in the excavations at the ancient sanctuaries of the city of Ithaca, dating mainly from the Geometric period up to around 1000 BC.
Do not miss during your visit to the Archaeological Museum of Ithaca:
• The ring-shaped vase with angled walls, decorated with dense thin strips on the sides of the ring, triangles on the neck and crosswise metopes on the handle, dating from the Late Geometric period.
• The dedicatory inscription that mentions Athena and Hera found in the Cave of the Nymphs, from the Late Archaic period.
• A series of geometric vases exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Ithaca, that are called “Ithacisia” as it is estimated that they were created in local workshop.
Entrance to the Archaeological Museum of Ithaca is free and follows the established timetable of museums in Greece.