Karyovouni is a hilly village at an altitude of around 500 meters, in the southeastern part of the prefecture of Messinia, 56 km at southeast of Kalamata and 10 km at east of Stoupa.
Arachova as the Kryovouni was called before it was renamed in 1930, is built on two hills separated by a gorge and along with the neighboring village of Dryopi (Piala) is part of municipality of Western Mani. The ruined tower of Goudelis, the church of Prophet Elias and the old mill stand monumental witnesses of the past, while the imperious nature monuments, the two plane trees in the village alongside the traditional fountain, offer their shade during the warm summer months.
The Ministry of Culture has declared as Historical monuments in Karyovouni the church Virgin Birth dating in later post-Byzantine period and the Tower of Goudelis dating to the 18th century and it is a typical example of local architecture and important for the development of architecture in this area.