
Trikorfo is a village in the municipality of Messini which is built at an altitude of 400 meters and is 32 km away from the city of Kalamata.

40% of edible olives of Messinia is produced in Trikorfo and the place is famous for the excellent quality of the olives. The residents are occupied with the production of olive oil, olives and figs.

The Festival of edible Olive is held every year in August – for more than a decade – at the Square of Trikorfo involving producers and formulators of edible olives from Messinia and other locations. The famous celebration of Trikorfo lasts two days and the party lasts until dawn.

If you arrive in Trikorfo, you should not miss to visit the important archaeological site of Ancient Messini, as the distance is only 12 kilometers and other major attractions of area about culture or nature such as majestic Polylimnio.

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