
The Peristeres beach is situated 47 km to the southwest of Rethymno city and 2 km from the village Rodakino of Rethymno prefecture.

At the Peristeres beach during the World War II the allies’ submarines and destroyers unloaded the ammunition supporting the Anti-German Resistance. This is the same spot where the German Army departed from.

The Peristeres beach is secluded, sandy-pebbled with lots of rocks scattered around. This location is ideal for fishing and a spear gun. It is open to south winds, but there many carobs around and caves ready to protect you from the wind or the burning sun.

On the Peristeres beach there is only one tavern and no rooms-to-let.

Going to the east of the Peristeres beach, while getting close to Plakias region, you will find two more beautiful beaches of the county, Polyrizos and Korakas.

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