Muslim mosque of Alexandroupolis

The Muslim mosque of Alexandroupolis is located in the city before even the latter was recognized as such. The time when the small port at the edge of Evros was called Dedeagatch and was inhabited by Muslim citizens and was under the Ottoman rule. The Muslim mosque of Alexandroupolis dates before 1895 and at first, it was a magnificent two-storey building. It was built of stone and its initial use was educational, as it ud=sed to house the religious school of the region.
The minaret of the Muslim mosque of Alexandroupolis is located on its west side, while in its interior dominates a square prayer hall for the Muslim believers. It has a marble structure, with elaborate decoration and many engraved inscriptions and is nowadays considered a remarkable example of the art of sculpture on a marble for that time. On the western side of the Muslim mosque of Alexandroupolis is also located the tomb of one of the most important generals of the Ottoman Empire, named Fayek Hussein Pasha, which is also made of marble.
The Muslim mosque of Alexandroupolis has been destroyed by arson twice in its history; the first on was during the Bulgarian occupation of the city in the early 20th century and the other in 1993 by still unknown assailants. The restoration of the Muslim mosque of Alexandroupolis was made both times by the Greek state, as indicated on an iscription on the façade of the building.