
Rigio in Evros is located five kilometers from Turkey, 2-3 kilometers from Pythio. Rigio under Turkish rule was called Saraikioi, probably because at this point in the past was built a palace – Se(a)rai. Therefore, in 1920 after the renaming of the Thracian toponyms it was named Sarakio. In 1955 took its present name, Rigio.

The majority of its residents came from the village of Megalo Zaloufi in Eastern Thrace, 38 km from Adrianoupolis. In the church of Rigio, of Saints Constantine and Helen lies the icon the refugees had brought after the uprooting.

In Rigio there was a big mosque and a hamam that still survives today, while at the village boundaries have been found three tombs dating from the 4th century BC and are of great archaeological interest.

Outside the village, about 100 meters from the houses, north of the road that connects Asimenio with Rigio, there is a traditional faucet with running water.

In Rigio there is an active cultural association, the “Megalo Zaloufi”.

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