The fountain of Kalamos

The fountain of Kalamos in northern Ithaca is the only fountain of the island with running, clean drinking water.
It is located beneath Exogi and above Afales, the large bay of Northern Ithaca. The fountain of Kalamos is a stone fountain, surrounded with dense vegetation – cypresses, olive trees, oaks and strawberry trees. The visitor can safely drink the water, which is always cold.
The Homeric Melanydros Fountain is identified with the fountain of Kalamos. According to the Odyssey, Homer’s epic poem about the king of Ithaca, ingenious Odysseus, the maids of Queen Penelope used to go to the fountain of Kalamos and fill the royal amphorae with water for the palace. Archaeologists believe that the Odyssean palace was situated in the “School of Homer ” in Agios Athanasios, a region very close to the fountain of Kalamos.
The paved road that leads to the fountain of Kalamos starts from the bridge in Platrithias. After passing the houses of the village, the route continues through the trees and shrubs, that color the landscape. Immediately after is a row of houses – the small village of Kalamos – after which is the fountain of Kalamos.
Next to the road in Kalamos, you will find a fenced area with works of folk art and archaic statues, created by an Ithacan artist.