
The settlement of Romanos in Messinia, in which live about 300 people, is located on the west coast of the Peloponnese, facing the Ionian Sea. It has the great advantage of having one of the most beautiful beaches in the area, Romanos beach, but also that there has been built the largest hotel complex in the Mediterranean, which has upgraded the area even more. In recent years Romanos attracts Greeks and foreign tourists so tourist accommodation, restaurants, taverns, bars and shops  have been constantly developing.

Romanos is located very close to Voidokilia beach, one of the most beautiful in the Mediterranean and Lagoon of Gialova, this important ecosystem of the area. Between Voidokoilia and Romanos there is another beautiful beach, this of Petrochori.

Romanos can be the base for excursions into the lovely Messinian nature, important archaeological sites and beautiful beaches. From there you can visit the Palace of Nestor (10 km), Paleocastro above Voidokilia beach, Pylos (13km) Kyparissia (40km). The capital city of Kalamata is 60 kilometers away from Romanos.

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