
Tripiti beach on the island of Gavdos is the southernmost coast of Europe and that is reason enough to visit it!

Tripiti is located seven kilometers south of the port of Karave. In the eastern part it is sandy, while in the western – known as the “nose” – it has big stones and pebbles. The most attractive element of Tripiti is the three major natural archways, Kamarelles, formed in the corner of the island, at the eastern end of the beach.

Over Kamarelles a huge chair was built, known as “the throne of Ulysses”, on which you can climb and admire the vastness of the Libyan Sea.

According to some scholars, Gavdos is identified with Homer’s Ogygia, the island of Calypso, where Ulysses spent seven years on his journey back to Ithaca.

Tripiti beach is formed at the exit of a dried river and next to the beach there is a salt marsh, a lake with salt water, which evaporates in the summer, but in winter it is home to many birds migrating from Europe to Africa.

You can get to Tripiti by boat or on foot by a path from Korfos. The distance is about three kilometers and the route passes through pine land. During the route you will come across the abandoned farmhouses built from stone in Aliki.

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