Kerameikos in Figaretto

The working class district of Palaiopoli was located in the contemporary Figaretto, in Kanoni  of Corfu. Nowadays it is mostly called Kerameikos in Figaretto.

The ancient city of Corfu, Palaiopoli, extended from the Lagoon of Chalikiopoulos to the bay of Garitsa. It seems that the workshops of the ancient city were gathered in Kerameikos in FIgaretto because the archaeological mattock has brought to light a ceramic workshop where, among others, the famous Corfiot urns were made.

In Kerameikos in Figaretto visitors can see eleven furnaces made of ceramic, which date back to the end of the post-archaic period until the beginning of the Roman period, a well with lavatory-pans for cleaning clay but also a workshop sanctuary.

An ancient statue made of stone, which probably represents Artemis who presides over the furnace, was discovered in the sanctuary of Kerameikos in Figaretto.

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