
Karoti is a village of Evros located 10 kilometers northwest of Didymoteicho. It is one of the 13 villages of Marides between Didymoteicho and Orestiada. The Thracian Marides are a special “tribe”, with features resembling those of the ancient Thracians. Even today, it is a population group with strong internal consistency. Within their society prevails the Thracian lifestyle, they are tied to their rich and genuine Thracian tradition, while until recently they were a completely closed society.

The residents of Karoti are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. Karoti is the birthplace of great musicians of the Thracian tradition such as Chronis Aidonidis, Karyofyllis Doitsidis and Vangelis Dimoudis.

In 2011, in Karoti, filming took place for the Greek film “The tango of Christmas” one of the best productions of recent years. The locals were rallied and enhanced the filming, by cleaning and forming the spaces and the old camp, where a large part of the filming took place.

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